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Safety at work (C.A.E.)

The Bay of Cadiz Port represents a Centre of Work where the competition of activities of numerous companies and businesses require an efficient organization of operations that allow the rendering of services to be guaranteed in terms of efficiency, profitability, safety and respect to the environment.

For that reason, for the realization of industrial, commercial and service activities in the Public Port Domain, it is necessary to apply for authorization from the Port Authority, (Fax 945 24 04 78). Management of Authorizations and Services

The Port Authority has implemented the Coordination Procedure of Business Activities (C.A.E), informing competing companies of the obligations, risks, precautionary and emergency measures to apply within the port limits.

Access and Transit Leaflet

In compliance with Law 31/1995 of Work Risk Prevention (P.R.L.), all companies that carry out activities in the Public Port Domain will have to have a Work Risk Prevention Plan, integrated into their productive activity and in accordance with the nature of the work to be carried out.

See more about PRL requirements

This documentation will be at the disposal of the Safety and Enviroment Division, when it is required.