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Industrial safety

Facilities and Activities

Law 48/2003 of Economic Rules and Rendering of Services in Ports of General Interest states the Activities, Facilities and Constructions that can be carried out in the Public Port Domain.

Some of these Activities and Facilities are subject to Specific Regulations, for their regulation and safety guarantee and correct use, protecting the Facility itself and its users. These obligations fall on the holders of the facilities, because of which the competent Administration has published the Industrial Service Guide, where the obligations and steps to follow for Putting into Service, Maintenance, Overhaul and Inspection are summarized.

Mobile Vehicles and Equipment

Port Land Traffic Planning, Coordination and Control is a Service Rendered by the Port Authority, with the aim of guaranteeing the efficiency of operations, the conservation of the public domain and the safey of the people and the goods.

The vehicles that travel in the Bay of Cadiz Port have to comply with that which is specified in the General Vehicle Regulations RD. 2822 /98, especially the availability of Registration Document, M.O.T. certificate, Obligatory Insurance and with regards to the driver, the corresponding Driving Licence.

Unregistered vehicles (work equipment) will comply with their specific regulations, in particular, they will have to have the European Conformance EC Mark, according to RD. (Royal Decree) 1435/92, of 27th November, in which the regulations of implementation, relative to the approximation to the Member States´ Legislations, or equivalent certificate, are given. In the same way, the operating staff will have the qualification, training and appropriate medical ability for the operation of the equipment.

Without prejudice to the obligations and responsibilities of other Administrations, the Port Authority will be able to demand and verify the compliance with these obligations, in observation areas for Productivity and Safety within the port limits.