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The Port Authority of the Bay of Cadiz (APBC) participates this week in two meetings to promote, on the one hand, the cruise traffic and, on the other, its logistic potential.

Today and tomorrow, virtually, the Port of Cadiz will maintain contact with operators and representatives of the cruise industry in the Seatrade Cruise Virtual 2020, which was originally going to host Malaga but as a result of the pandemic decided to be held off-site.

In the same way, on Wednesday and Thursday of this week the Port of Cadiz will be present in Barcelona New Economy Week, an event that will take place in person but also has a last generation digital platform that will allow to be present through internet.

There will be 5 connected events where the reality of logistics, the digital industry, real estate, ecommerce and economy will be addressed and where the Port of Cadiz will take advantage of this to establish contacts, as well as to obtain first hand information on the different current topics in the debates, interviews, panels and conferences.

At the end of the month, from the 20th to the 22nd, the APBC will also participate telematically in the Fruit Attraction, one of the biggest world events in the fruit and vegetable sector, which on this occasion will be held for the first time by tele-presence.

October ends with the hybrid celebration of the I International Congress of Tourism of Cruises in Andalusia, which will be held in Seville on the 29th and 30th, and which will count with the participation of the Port of Cadiz.

The Port Authority of the Bay of Cadiz adapts to the new form of commercialization imposed by the health crisis and advances in the promotion of its infrastructures and services in the different sectors and types of traffic for when the economy recovers after overcoming the pandemic.