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The Cadiz Bay Port Authority joins the celebration of World Maritime Aids Day today with the lighting of all the lighthouses of its competence for half an hour at 12 o’clock in the morning.

At 12 o’clock in the morning, all the headlights will be switched on simultaneously for half an hour

One of the objectives of this day is to make visible this field of the technique related to the safety of navigation and the preservation of the marine environment, as well as to reaffirm the commitments for the benefit of society, to show the milestones achieved and to disseminate the technological innovation in this field.

It should be remembered that the lighthouses that are the responsibility of the Port of Cadiz Bay are: the lighthouse of San Sebastian Castle in Cadiz city; the lighthouse of Rota, in Rota; the lighthouse of Cabo Roche, in Conil; and the lighthouses of Trafalgar and Barbate, in Barbate.

Image of the lighthouse at San Sebastian Castle, Cadiz.