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The Port Authority of the Bay of Cádiz has adopted the necessary measures to minimize the impact that the current state of alarm may have on port activity and the services it provides, and to contribute, among all, to the operation of the production system and avoid measures that have a negative impact on people and society.

The Port of Bahía de Cádiz continues to operate, maintaining its logistics operations within the state of alarm.

At the operational level, the accesses to docks and docks remain open, with the usual entrance control, and the operation is carried out in compliance with the necessary restrictions and security measures. All its terminals are operational, and both its own staff and the different agents of the Port Community are applying all their efforts to guarantee the provision of services.

At the administrative level, the main offices remain closed without the possibility of personalized attention. However, the usual telematic communication channels remain open and the administrative management of the services provided (authorization, monitoring, amortization, billing, accounting, collection) continues to be carried out in the non-contact work modality.

Of general knowledge, for this last aspect, our applications for the Local Single Window (DUEWeb, IMOWeb, EDI) and the Port Community System (PCS) stand out, bringing together the management and monitoring of the set of operational services provided by the APBC.

In particular, it should also be noted that, from the PCS application (with direct access from the Organization’s Web Portal) there is a connection to the APBC Extranet in which there is a service called Billing Folder through which, by means of consultation Discretionary, it is possible to download copies of the invoices that have originated the provision of the requested services.

Service widely used since its commissioning by all customers who have requested it, its generalization is feasible. The management of new access credentials is centralized from the Billing Organizational Unit. All clients interested in accessing the service can send an email to indicating the following information:

  • Company name.
  • Company contact telephone number.
  • Name and Surname of the person (s) of the Company that you want to access.
  • Mail account of the company (or of each person who wants to access).
  • Services requested (in case you require more than the Billing Folder)

During the period of the alarm state, and consequent exercise of non-contact work, the billing of services will be sought every Wednesday.