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The president of the Port Authority of the Bay of Cádiz, Teófila Martínez, and the director, Agustín Romero, praise and thank the work of all the personnel who are covering essential basic services during the state of alarm.

The work of the Port Police, port operations personnel, Systems, Aids to Navigation, warehouse and maintenance is proving crucial, along with the work of the rest of the staff that can continue offering services from home, to maintain port activity and that the supply chain does not stop.

Likewise, from the presidency and management they appreciate and value the performance of port pilotage services, towing, mooring, stowage and unloading, as well as the rest of the port community that allow the Port of the Bay of Cádiz to continue operating to guarantee the supply of goods.

To all of them, to those who are at the foot of the dock and working from their homes, the Port Authority thanks them for their effort, involvement and commitment to citizens and the country, from the conviction that the maintenance of the logistics sector is essential to preserve the economic pulse of the country.