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The President of the Port Authority of the Bay of Cadiz (APBC), Teófila Martinez, today presented the new corporate image of the organisation, in which the efficiency of the human factor is emphasised as a differentiating element and as a competitive advantage of the port of Cadiz.

The new logo, which has been developed by Cadigrafía, an advertising agency specialised in brand building, reinvents the image of the goddess Gades, who until now represented the Port of the Bay of Cadiz, emphasising proximity, dynamism and a vocation for service as unique and differential factors of the Port of the Bay of Cadiz.

As Ignacio González Dorao, Director of Cadigrafía, explained, the personalised treatment, the agility in management, the efficiency and the polyvalence are the basic pillars on which they have based themselves to raise the new brand image.

In this sense, the President of the APBC affirmed that it is precisely the medium size of the port of Cadiz that permits this personalised treatment and generates a great capacity for adaptation, which constitutes a competitive advantage that will help the commercialisation of the port and to widen its horizons and markets, looking especially at Latin America.

The construction of the new image starts from a previous analysis of the situation, where the distinctive value that the Port of the Bay of Cadiz could use against the competition has been reflected upon, finally deducing that it is this differentiating value that is the human factor.