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The Port Authority of the Bay of Cadiz collaborates with 20,000 euros in a dozen projects that have been beneficiaries of the call for Aid, collaborations and subsidies in matters of corporate social responsibility (CSR) issued by the Port of the Bay of Cadiz for this year.

The call is part of the body’s Corporate Social Responsibility and will be held again in January 2021

The call, which is multiannual, has focused in this first edition on alleviating unfavorable economic situations accentuated by the declaration of the state of alarm and the COVID-19 pandemic.

In this way, the ten entities that have benefited from the aid will allocate the subsidies obtained to projects that alleviate the impact of the COVID-19 on Cadiz society and help the most vulnerable families.

The associations that have obtained subsidies are: Food Bank, Spanish Red Cross, Madre Coraje, Cáritas Diocesana, Asociación de Familiares TEA, AGAMAMA, Asociación Gaditana Espina Bífida, Asociación Síndrome de Down Lejeune, Asociación Española Contra el Cáncer and Asociación VidaON.

The candidates for the grants, about twenty in total, presented a program with a detailed list of the project to be developed, indicating the form and means necessary to carry it out.

An investigative committee prepared a report – in which the proposals were evaluated in accordance with the criteria set out in the bases – for the Puerto-Bahía de Cádiz Commission, which is responsible for guaranteeing transparency, publicity, competition, objectivity, equality and non-discrimination when selecting applications.

The Port Authority thanks all the participating entities for their interest in the call and, above all, for their social work and encourages them to apply for the next edition, which will be published in January 2021.

With this measure, the Port Authority aims to promote the integration of the port into its social environment and to attend to the bodies set up as non-profit making associations or foundations in the area that work for the benefit of society.