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The Port Authority of the Bay of Cadiz (APBC) has awarded Acciona Construcción, S.A. the project for the paving of the esplanade and the development of access to the new container terminal.

The project, with a bidding budget of 6,208,146.42 euros (excluding VAT), has been awarded for 5,434,611.37 euros (excluding VAT) and has a total execution period of 11 months and a partial reception of the esplanade awarded to Concasa after 7 months so that the latter can start the execution and transfer of its facilities.

As it is known, Concasa is the concessionaire of part of the first phase of the New Container Terminal and has to transfer its personnel from the terminal of the Reina Sofía pier, where the container traffic is currently located, to the New Terminal and, in this way, it will be able to make this operation from the last quarter of the year and thus comply with the foreseen schedule.

Among the conditions of the concession was the commitment by the APBC to pave the 45,000 square meter esplanade and complete the urbanization of the surroundings, including the surface road access while the execution of the tunnel and the railway access is completed.

Nineteen companies have applied to the open tender for the execution of this project. The president of the Port Authority of the Bay of Cadiz, Teófila Martínez Saiz, wanted to highlight the effort made by the technicians of the APBC and the State Ports Authority, who have participated in both the bidding and awarding process, in order to be able to tender for this work in the shortest time possible, given its importance in fulfilling the commitment to put the New Container Terminal into service in 2020.

This intervention is in addition to the execution of the new Border Inspection Post, which is expected to be completed next spring.

Likewise, the work to repair the tunnel waterway continues with the aim of being able to undertake the second phase of the project for access to the New Container Terminal in the near future, which consists of definitively concluding the access tunnel and also guaranteeing railway access.

The current investment of the Cadiz Bay Port Authority in these three projects amounts to 11 million euros.