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The Port Authority of the Bay of Cádiz guarantees the maintenance of port activity and services during the state of alarm declared by RD 463/2020.

Furthermore, following the indications of the resolution from the Undersecretariat of the Ministry of Transport, Mobility and Urban Agenda, face-to-face care is temporarily suspended, facilitating the non-contact modality of work to maintain the level of care.

In order to contain the spread of CIVD19 in the workplace, the APBC has put in place a plan so that most of the functions or tasks of each job are carried out remotely or with non-contact means.

The headquarters of the Port Authority of the Bay of Cádiz, located in Plaza de España, 17, will be temporarily closed to the public, maintaining administrative activity by telematic and telephone channels.

Likewise, face-to-face work shifts are they will reduce to a minimum guaranteeing basic services. In this sense, it is kept face-to-face at:

  1. Control center
    1. Port Police
    1. Slice
    1. Aid to Navigation System
    1. Warehouse
    1. Maintenance

These activities that require physical presence are they will reduce to a minimum and will be obliged to maintain the prevention regulations established by the health authorities and adapted to the prevention service of the APBC.

The APBC thanks users and workers for the effort and hopes to restore personal attention as soon as possible.