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Plaza de Sevilla s/n 11006 CÁDIZ

Phone: 956 25 34 32

Fax: 956 27 21 67

Shedule of Office at main management:

9,00 to 14,00

Border Control Post (PCF)

Qualification of the Cadiz Bay Port as European Frontier was the fist stone for the construction of the Control Frontier Station (PCF). Today this building is to disposal of our users. It was inaugurated in May 1995.

The Cadiz Border Control Post (ES CAD 1) has an operating permit and is approved by the European Union.
It is currently located in the container terminal on the Reina Sofia quay within the commercial dock of Cadiz, and its transfer to the New Container Terminal is planned.

Total area is 800 sqm. and it has the following services:

  • 10 office for Customs services, External Health and veterinary and Ministery of Agriculture, Fish and Food 1 ventanilla única.
  • 2 laboratories.
  • 2 cooling rooms of 100 m3.
  • 2 zones of unloading with air-conditioned doors, with a area of 64 sqm. each.
  • 1 zone of unloading for customs of 208 sqm. with 4 doors.
  • 1 ramp to access of forklifth.
  • Toilets.

The bodies involved in carrying out controls and inspections are

Foreign Health, which depends on the Ministry of Health, Social Services and Equality.

Animal Health, which depends on the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and the Environment.

Plant Health, dependent on the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Environment.

Official Service of Inspections, Surveillance and Regulation of Exports (SOIVRE) under the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness dependent on the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness.

The Department of Customs and Special Taxes of the State Agency of Tax Administration, a public entity dependent on the Ministry of Finance.

Taking into account the goods to be handled, the centre has the following border goods control facilities

BIP Border Inspection Post

RAH Customs Enclosure

POI Designated Point of Import

BIP-phyto Phytosanitary Inspection Point