The general total traffic of the Port of Cadiz Bay has accumulated a growth of 14.36 percent in the first four months of 2020 in relation to the same period of the previous year, with 1,451,779 tons.
According to the way the merchandise is presented, liquid bulks amount to 545,763 tons, with an increase of 46.78 percent, followed by solid bulks, which reach 496,852 tons and an increase of 10.14 percent. Of this last group, 382,044 tons are cereals and flours.
General merchandise, on the other hand, fell by 7.64 percent in the first four months of the year, with 381,693 accumulated tons, although, in the month of April, the decrease was reduced to 1 percent.
In this sense, we must highlight the monthly increase recorded by container traffic, which reached 82 percent in number (2,542), 69 percent in teus (3,928) and 174 percent in tons (48,808).
This growth is related to the restructuring of the CMA CGM lines, in service since the last third of April.
In the accumulated period of the four-month period, container traffic fell by 28 per cent in teus and 27 per cent in number, although the tons transported grew by 20 per cent to 95,751.
On the other hand, road traffic recorded a decline of 9 percent, with 258,194 tons moved, while fresh fish recorded a drop of 11 percent in tonnage, with 3,876 tons of goods auctioned, which reached a sales value of 12.87 million euros, 5.85 percent less than in April 2019.
Finally, the cruise ship traffic goes from 67 accumulated stops in the first four months of 2019 to 22 in 2020, which means a decrease of 67.16 percent, which in April reached 100 percent. With regard to the number of passengers, the drop reaches 57 percent, from 94,734 to 40,641, as a result of the ban on docking this type of vessel by the health alert of the COVID-19.