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Rostros de sal

Rostros de sal

You can browse the book "Rostros de Sal" published by the Port Authority.

The port for kids (comic)

The port for kids (comic)

Here you can download the comic published by this Port Authority aimed at the young people in order to let them know the port activity....

Content of Historic Archive

Content of Historic Archive

The History Archive of the Port of Cadiz Bay was published by this Port Authority in 2006 after a long work carried out by the group formed by:...

Poetry of the sea and Cadiz

Poetry of the sea and Cadiz

Here you can consult the book of poetry published by this Port Authority regarding with the 50th anniversary of "Tall Ship's Race". [wpdm_package...

La Galeona Gaditana Ayer y hoy

La Galeona Gaditana Ayer y hoy

Here you can consult the book wrote by " Padre F.Vicente Díaz" about  la Virgen del Rosario " La Galeona Gaditana ayer y hoy" and published in...

100 Years Book

100 Years Book

With reason of the first centenial of the Cadiz Bay Port Authority, the Port Authority has published a book with hostorial pictures that it shows a...