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The board of directors of the Cadiz Bay Port Authority (APBC) has approved today the regulatory bases for aid, collaboration and subsidies in the area of corporate social responsibility (CSR) for the period 2020-2022 of the Port of Cadiz Bay.

With this measure, the Port Authority intends to promote the integration of the port in its social environment and to attend to the organizations constituted in association or non-profit-making foundation of the area that work for the benefit of society.

The Port Authority will publish in the coming days on its website the bases of the call with the aim that it can serve to host projects that alleviate the impact of COVID19 in Cadiz society and help the most vulnerable families through these organizations, also complying with the social responsibility of the company.

Applicants for aid must present a programme with a detailed list of the project to be carried out, indicating the form and means necessary to carry it out.

A Port-Bay of Cadiz Commission has been set up to assess the projects, with the aim of guaranteeing transparency, publicity, competition, objectivity, equality and non-discrimination in the selection of applications.